
Thursday, 31 October 2013

Shy Little Fox

Todays special of the day is:

Little Fox 2

A 10" (25cm) Paper Pieced block on an Intermediate Level. The block is relatively easy to put together and delivers on all "cuteness" levels. Those cute blue eyes are just too much......

This cute block could be turned into a cushion or even a sweet wall hanging. Together with the other Little Fox blocks, it could even turn into a lovely mini quilt...

 Patterns are available in my Craftsy Shop.

These are the FREE Craftsy tags you can download and add to your gifts you have made.


  1. Janeen, you have really cool art designs- but I don't see that you have a Google Plus page… am I missing it? I would love to add you to my circles… I will go back and look for your name. If you don't have a G+ be sure and get with Jenny Melrose, who helps people set them up and it goes really well. Thanks, Deb @ Kneaded Creations ( )

  2. Ok, I found you- my apology. Deb @ Kneaded Creations


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