
Sunday, 22 December 2013

Day 10 - Leaping

On the 10th day of Christmas

 10 Lords a Leapin' (???)

The items in this song are really a mystery. Why on earth would your 'true love' give you any of these things??? 

Anyhooo,  This lovely gentleman leaping block measures 10" (25cm) and is available in my Craftsy shop along with his other wierd gift friends from the "12 Days of Christmas" theme.

The time is really rushing by and January is almost upon us. Please don't forget our BoM Project starting up then. The theme is "In the Garden" and we will be making 12 lovely blocks in this theme (12"-30cm) throughout the year.

 The link code is in the BoM Page at the top of the blog or just click the pic on the sidebar. Please help yourself to a button so that you can return here without delay.....

If anyone has photos they would like to share of any block they have made, finished, etc using the QADesigns patterns, you're welcome to share them on our Flickr group. Button in the sidebar. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. I agree - it is a rather unusual list of things to be given. Me, I'd like 10 gardeners gardening, 9 painters painting, 8 cooks a cookin' etc etc - you know, useful things!!!


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