
Monday, 2 December 2013

Snowman Line-Up

Today is going to be all about snow and snowmen!

Snow - Something we never/very rarely/ever get to see here. I think it snowed once in 1981 for 3 days and I was still at school. We all ran around in it like idiots - first timers.... The only other time was in about 2008 when it snowed here for 1 day and melted even faster. Don't get me wrong, I know what snow looks like, and there are areas of SAfrica that get snow, I have just never experienced it the way that people in colder climates have.
When it gets so hot here in summer, the only thing to do is go and shop at Woolworths - they keep the shop as cold as a fridge in there. Absolutely wonderful in summer, not so amazing in winter.

Anyhooooo, here are 2 amazing blocks that I finished off and put in the Craftsy shop.

The blocks measure 10" (25cm) and are on the Intermediate Level.
Other older snowman blocks are also hanging around in this lineup and maybe one of these will be your guy.


  1. Awe, great snowmen! Very creative.

  2. The snowmen all look great! Like you - snow isn't something I've seen a lot of but I like the idea of the building snowmen and having snowball fights! ;)


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