
Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Cute Block Designs

It's Wednesday - already! Once Wednesday gets here, I always have a little panic about getting everything done on time for Friday's Art Quilt or the end of the month with the BoM blocks.
(Breathe in.......) relax - you can do it!

This week I wanted to catch up on some of my designing for the Transport Collection. These cute little blocks are really not very difficult to put together, but still look good.

They're sooooo cute! I love them! I think I need to make something facing left  and 2 more facing right so that they can look as if they are travelling around the quilt. These would make any little boy's heart happy - there is so little out there that just focuses on them. I think that was the reason I wanted to do something with a little boy in mind.

Let me know what else needs to be included in this group!

I'm also looking for pattern testers to help me with this group - anyone interested? You need to be really serious about finishing them.

The blocks are all 12" (30cm) and on the Intermediate level - but are really a breeze to put together.
All these blocks are available in my Craftsy Shop.

Great News!
My E-Books - Sea Life Collection 1 & 2 and Farmyard Animals are now also available on Amazon. YaaaY Me!!!


Have a great day!


  1. Well done on getting your books onto Amazon! Hope you have great sales. Love these transport blocks - you are right, lots of boys would love these, wouldn't they?

  2. These look fantastic. I love these. I have an almost 2 year old nephew and was thinking the same thing - there is not much out there with little boys in mind. Master X loves diggers, cranes, trams (we're in Melbourne), trains and a good old fashioned car wouldn't go astray either. I wish I had the time to test these out for you. Out of interest, how long do you think it would take to complete a block? I will however, but the pattern once it's available.

  3. Great idea, Janeen! We need more quilting focused on boys. How about a garbage truck, a tow truck or a motorcycle?!

  4. They look fantastic and yes have a massive cuteness factor. Best of luck with Amaazon sales!

  5. I know a few young chaps that would love these designs :)

  6. I'm also hoping for some Friday finish :-) Your pattern are cool. Good luck on Amazon!

  7. How about a digger, helicopter or an aeroplane. I love these blocks and when I get a little more experience with paper piecing I will be hopefully impressing my nephew with a new quilt.

  8. Beautiful work Janeen -- I wish I had time to test because my grandsons would love these ! Thanks for sharing.

  9. My grandson love vehicles of all kinds. He runs to the window when he hears the garbage truck. The garbage man likes having an audience and stops right in front of the window to put on a show. He always gives a little wave when he leaves. I would love to see a garbage truck and maybe an 18 wheeler if there is a place for a long block. Love your work!

  10. I wish I had time to test these as they are really cute! Ideas for other boy themed blocks to join the group: Crane, Motorcycle, Helicopter/Plane, Racecar, Excavator, etc.

  11. Would love to help you be a tester of you are still looking? I'm a total newbie at paper piercing if you need that kind of a point of view xD

  12. Hey, I am also quite a new at quilting and also in paper piecing. But if you still need help. I love the designs you thus far have and if you are still looking write me an email and we can chat about timeline... :)

  13. these are so cute and any little boy would love them! In fact, we did a transportation theme for my son's room when he was younger and I would have made these in an instant!

    Thanks so much for showing this off at Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  14. HI,, Just love your work...If you need a tester I can help... Thanks


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