Saturday 17 August 2013


At last, a Lioness....

These are truly the beauty of the wild. Watching these animals as they look after their young cubs and also hunt for the pride is a thing of wonder.
I think if I had to choose what animal to be it would be a Lioness.

This block is another in the Animal Safari Theme.

Please don't forget the Sunday Funday Giveaway.  Look at the right for the button and make sure you enter!!

Monkey Business

Joining our African Safari Theme lineup we have the Baboon.

These monkeys are much bigger than the small Vervet (Blue) monkeys and always hang around in large groups. The smaller ones are quite playful, but the older larger ones are just downright scarey.

This 12" block is easily put together and makes for a fun additon to the collection.

Spotted Hyaena

Look who we have here lurking around in the tall grass.

These unusual looking animals are scavangers and will even look for a fight with Lions over the carcass. Their laughing sound they make is enough to freak anyone out.

Meet the " Hyaena "

This is our latest in the Animal Safari Theme.
Hyaena's do have spots on their bodies, but unfortunately I can't colour it in that way. Their light coloured mane is something like a mo-hawk on his back and really adds to his unusualness.

You will find this pattern (12") in my Craftsy shop.  OR  Follow the link from the PP Patterns page.

Friday 16 August 2013

Flower fun

Today I finished sewing a Paper Piecing pattern called "Blooming Hot".

 It was designed by Ester Frenzel. She was looking for pattern testers and I was lucky enough to get into the mix. The pattern is really pretty - take a look

Ester's details:

Good morning ...

This is another very easy little block to do in a hurry or for a beginner.

It's called .....   Star Shine.

It is like the others - 6" x 6" and can be used for a multitude of cute projects.

Let me know in what project you use the little blocks.

Stars that Bloom

The block for today took on a slightly different shape. It looks like a star and yet it looks like a flower. So the Star Flower was born. Ta - Da!!

You can even accentuate your favourite part of your block depending on how you piece together your fabric choices. You can see that the design encourages variation.

All of these small 6" blocks are really easy to do and have clear instructions on how to piece together. Find this one on the PP Patterns page and also at Craftsy.

For now .....

Thursday 15 August 2013

Playing in the Snow

I've been so taken with all the Star patterns a person can come up with that I've been neglecting our other side of the theme - Stars & Snow, so I decided this must be something to do with how beautiful a snow crystal can look.

I call this - Snow Crystal -  (for want of something better) (I was tired!)

I've been looking at snow crystals and snow flakes and I must say that I don't think anyone can ever get tired of them. They are truly beautiful!!

I'm working on a flower pattern (sadly not my own) and testing the pattern for her, and as soon as I'm finished (tomorrow), and she has seen her beautiful handiwork, I'll share it with all the world. Be sure to look out for it. 

Have a good day

Shiny new Star

This cute 6" block is our fourth in a series called Stars & Snow.
I call this one Sparkler.

It has the look of a windmill also. The star quilt block instructions includes easy-to-follow templates that will allow you to form your beautiful little paper piecing pattern or could be photostated larger to make a star in any size. It looks complicated, but you'll never find yourself getting lost.
Soon, you'll have a shiny new star quilt block that's ready to add some star power to your next quilt pattern.

You can use just about any color with these individual quilt blocks, and the convenient paper piecing pattern ensures that you'll be successful in creating a clean result every time. No star quilt can hope to shine like one with this quilt block!  Make a ton of them for a geometric quilt, or use it to depict a star in a Christmas quilt.

This lovely little block is a FREE pattern download.

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Sun Star

Today we have another small 6" block that is very easy and quick to make.

I call this one Sun Star

All these small blocks can either be used on their own as small mug rug type gifts, or as part of something larger to fill in small gaps.

A person starting out in paper piecing will easily be able to complete these blocks or someone just looking to do a little "something".

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Croc Sighting

A croc coming out of the water suddenly with jaws wide open just sends a shiver down my spine. These are not your average joe friendly animals.

This is the latest in the Animal Safari -

I'm trying to get this Theme finished and all put together into an e-Book, and do everything else at the same time ..... Madness? or typical creative, can't do one thing at a time Quilter?
Still tons of fun though.

'til next time

A Wild Dog

We have another block for our Animal Safari Theme - a Wild Dog.

These are such unusually coloured animals. They have a marbled coat and the largest ears. (I guess the better to hear you with- ha ha). They always run about in packs and play just like my dog at home. (a Jack Russel Terrier called Pepsi).

I'll still be making the animal blocks from time to time, but I want to concentrate a little on making the smaller projects more.

Enjoy your day.

Seeing Stars

Today we have a new star in our sights - I call it Starburst.

This is another small 6" square that can be easily and quickly made either to use on its own or as part of something bigger.

This easy paper pieced pattern is actually very simplistic in its design, but still makes a cute quilt block star shape of differently hued blues or even orange and reds. Whether you choose to make an entire quilt out of these fun star quilt block patterns or you want to work on your paper piecing technique, the Starburst Block is a nifty way to add a little sparkle to any quilting pattern.

These lovely blocks will be available in my Craftsy store. See them on the PP Patterns page.

Monday 12 August 2013

New Theme Today - Stars and Snow

The new Theme that I have come up with for now will be Stars and Snow.

These Geometric Designs will be really easy and very quick to make. Ideal for anyone learning to do paper piecing or for more experienced quilters that would like to make something quick.

These small 6" blocks could be stand-alone blocks made into Mug Rugs or Placemats - or make a few of them and put them in between larger stars on a lap quilt.     Your call...

Gentle Giants

Today our latest sighting in our African Safari Theme is a Giraffe.

These gentle giants love to eat the thorn trees which is so hard to imagine because those trees have horrible 2 to 3 inch thorns on them.

I realise they do have large almost square markings on them, but my colour palette only allows solids. This block does not have loads of little pieces.

I hope you enjoy this peaceful animal block.

Heading back out for a game drive.

Sunday 11 August 2013

6 weeks of Giveaways!

I'm really excited to let everyone know that Quilt Art Designs will be participating in a 6 weeks giveaway.

Together with Julie Hirt from I'm going to be doing the giveaway for the
 1st September 2013.  Really excited!!! Planning something big.

Make sure you go and take a look at the other blogs that are also participating and enter for all the giveaways.

The Sunday Funday  givaway party has a Button listed on the right of this blog.

Make sure you grab a button for my blog too while you're busy.

Grab yourself a Button

 Here it is - at last! I have a button for my blog-site.

The html code is below:

<a href="" target="_blank" title="Quilt Art Designs"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo 4a7ece45-c367-4559-b17e-ca31da01fa5d_zps4f59276b.jpg"/></a>

Just copy the code and paste it in your layout/ buttons/
