My back said "NO WAY" and now I'm lying on my bed with my iPad. Thank heavens for technology!!! This is one of the most helpful little devices besides my phone and sewing machine.
Do you remember these patterns? I think they are some of the very first that I designed.

These 2 E-Books are where all the ideas came together and a 'real' business was formed.
These little babies will always be special to me.
Here's hoping tomorrow will be better ........
Hi! I hope you are better tomorrow! I love your animals! Fantastic patterns! Teje
So sorry your back is hurting. I have arthritis in my lower back from a car accident 17 plus years ago... the best thing I can do is to slouch my back, then bend my head down - hold that for a moment or two, then slowly sit up straight (still with head bent down) and then raise my head. It helps. (This is pulling the spinal cord out of a pinch.)
Another thing - hang by your bent arms/elbows off of the countertop (where there is a 90 degree bend inwards) for a few... let your lower back relax and "float". It's good relief.
I hope this will help you... I'm not a nurse or doctor, just a suffering old lady.
Love your patterns - remind me again after we get another paycheck.
I love the animals.
Sorry you're in pain. I too am having problems this week. I really need to get some quilting done, so hopefully tomorrow is better for me too! At least you can catch up on emails and blogs!
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