Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Day #8 - 12 Days of Christmas giveaways

Hi there and welcome!

to our 12 Days of Christmas giveaways
with Seams to be Sew and myself here at Quilt Art Designs

Its already up to Day #8 and I'll have our Day #8 Penguin come on out and greet everyone...

Thanks for all the positive encouragement and comments!

The pattern download is through Google Drive.

The day #1 - 7 is now on sale and available through Craftsy.

Visit JaneenVN's Craftsy Pattern Store ยป


As usual the pattern measures 10" (26 cm) and is on the Intermediate level
He's very cute! Love his little ear warmers
Somehow he looks like a bigger brother penguin. Maybe that's why he has those things on his ears - can't hear the crying then.....

I hope you enjoy making or even just collecting all the penguins..

(* Margaret Dukes - can you please email me - - thanks)

Be sure to also visit Seams to be Sew and see what Marian has for all of you!
Her Festive Trees are so sweet and adorable that even I'm going to start making a few.

Have a great day!

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Yvonne said...

Thank you so much for your wonderful penguins. It really feels like Christmas, each morning a little present from you. I look forward to start making them.

Needled Mom said...

He looks so toasty warm. Thank you for the cute designs each day.

Sally said...

So Precious,as usual! Thank you!

Tu-Na Quilts said...

Thank you so much for the free penguin pattern ! I love his little ear muffs!! Karen Thurn

Lisa England said...

I am collecting these adorable penguin patterns, Thank You! Now to choose which one to make first...