I hope you all had a peaceful Festive season!
A lot of people are asking about next year's Block of the Month etc. so here is the low down....
January starts us off with the "Wild Babies" BoM - Intermediate level and Free for the month the same as always.
January block = Koala
Im not sure if we should have another Beginner BoM.... let me know if you would like to.... with enough interest we can always make a plan.
The Bitty Blocks will also continue with the 4 to 5" small blocks - no theme, intermediate level - monthly block
There will be NO mystery this next year.

I want to start a Row by Row Quilt A Long with the theme of "Landscapes" so that I can get to use up my cute row patterns. Still looking at which month to start that...

That's about it for now. I don't want to take on too much and have no time to do my Commissioned work.
Quilt Art Designs has a web site now Yaay! and Im still working on it to get the shop in there somehow as well....
Have a Great Day!
I'm very excited about your offerings for 2017! I particularly like row quilts so very excited to see what you do next year! Was also wondering if you are going to do an eBook of the Wanderlust pattern? I came to that party late! I am planning to start the 12 days of Christmas quilt sometime next year! Beautiful quilt!! Thanks so much for all of your wonderful patterns!! Happy New Year!
Sounds like a great plan. I'm especially excited about the Wild Babies. So cute!
It sounds like a great SAL in 2017.
I think I will do the baby animals. Other obligations will prevent me to do too much more. Thank you.
I love those landscape rows! I'm also glad you are going to keep doing the bitty blocks. And count me in for the darling baby animals!
The row by rows look great as do the wild babies.
I'm very interested Row by Row Quilt and The Bitty Blocks
"Wild Babies" BoM interesting, too, but I do not know if I could sew
Ha ha ha...on vacation till January 4th?????? Obviously you are feeling better. I hope you had a grand Christmas.I love what you have in store for us this year.
Thanks for the Wanderlust eBook!
Looking forward to following along with you next year!
Looking forward to the wild babies. I love the bitty blocks. and those landscape rows look like a lot of fun. thank you for all you do for us out here. hope you and yours have a fabulous new year
Looking forward to having time to finish my Wanderlust project, it was an adventure and I can't wait to complete. Looking to the New Year I think the Wild Babies has my attention. Thank you for these opportunities to grow my skills.
Congrats on the website! I'm looking forward to BOM.
You do so much for us. Sure, we like anything you want to give us, but we also know that you need to take care of yourself and your family. We don't want you to be too stressed or get burnt out.
I wish you a happy new year and look forward to what it has to offer.
I love all your work. Thank you for all your free blocks. I have saved bitty blocks. I will try to save the baby animals. Angi
Thank you for sharing you lovely talent w/us all.
Looking forward to the Wild Babies in 2017.
CJ Jolly
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