Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Fox in the Garden #4

Hello to those of you still interested in following along....

The Block of the Month with the Birds brought around 3000 viewers and even that many who grab up a pattern, but now that we're into the month its around 130 viewers if Im lucky....

I'm starting to wonder WTH......
No joke, should I even bother with other things...

Today is the #4th week of the Fox in the Garden and here is the progress I've made...

The house with wall and dogs are now done and
its only 3 more sections and I'm finished...

This is a close up of the little Dachshund off to see that Fox off the property...

Quick link to the Fox pattern is HERE.....<<<<<

 Quick link to my full Craftsy Shop <<<<<

(when you open the shop.... click on the right side 'sort by tab' and press NEWEST.... then everything will show up)


Joan W. said...

Love the mini dog and tail!

Lisa England said...

This is really looking good, what a great project! I'm not sewing along, but I've enjoyed seeing what you are doing.

Trish said...

Great wall fabric! I'm debating between a couple of options for my wall. I love your posts and your designs!!

Unknown said...

Love to see what you are doing. I am also not seeing this one but it does not matter that I do not appreciate your work. I find it truly inspiring. Big, big thanks for this great blog!

Joan said...

I am with the others on this, I am not sewing along at this time although I bought the pattern and had hoped to. I love this so much so it is a project that will get done! I absolutely love your designs and work!!!

Raewyn said...

Hi Janeen, I love your work also! I would sew up all of your designs if I had time but in the meantime I save them, 'favourite' them and so on. Am really looking forward to starting on the Charlie Harper Flavour series once my busy January is out of the way :-) I recive your posts via email and don't always flick through to your blog and wonder if the email receivers show up in your statistics at all? There may be lots of us on email who read but don't show up.

Tu-Na Quilts said...

I enjoy following your blog. I read it in my email which doesn't help with your count unless I actually click thru. So I thought I'd stop by and say Hi! and let you know that I enjoy watching your progress even if I'm not sewing along with this one. You are very creative.

Jewel said...

I, too, sadly can't sew along as I am preparing for a local quilt show for the next few months. I certainly do LOVE your work. It always inspires (and is the feature of) my greatest creations. Please keep doing all the amazing work you're doing. You have so much wonder and beauty in all your work. I don't want to see it end! -Jewel

Cool Lizzie said...

Sooooo COOL! I am loving seeing this progress - really darling!
Thx for sharing!

Lori said...

this is coming together beautifully

Cissa K said...

Guilty too. I read and not comment. I did put in my blog a picture of your BOM for this year; and had friends asking about it. (they also didn't comment on my blog).