Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Fox in the Garden...

Hi there to everyone out there...

Today is another fun episode in our Fox in the Garden soapie...

cue tranquil music with a light and fun feeling - ♭ ♭ ♭ ♭

Enter - flashes of past episodes...

Narrator: Mr Red Fox in a deep calming voice...

When we last left off we passed the halfway mark in season #1 where the cute red house was built, a quiet landscape with tall trees was established and an introduction was made at the garden wall where our 2 of our 3 main characters was off on their winter walk.

 In today's episode...

We start on the wooded area of the garden where a small stream is running through the property ...
such idyllic county living....what could upset this peace??

Next it's onto the area where the Fox is introduced and the mini 'soapie' is finished....

Or is it?

Here's a sneak peek at our Season #2 in the series...

This season will be brought to you in 16x24" and airs in February.
Be sure to press record so that you don't miss out on this exciting new twist!!

Quick link to the Fox pattern #1 is HERE.....<<<<<

 Quick link to my full Craftsy Shop <<<<<

(when you open the shop.... click on the right side 'sort by tab' and press NEWEST.... then everything will show up)


Unknown said...

Wow. Season #2 is such a cutie! I love the colors!!!

Vireya said...

It is very cute, but I'm afraid a fox is about the last thing I want to see in my garden. It's just a pest in this part of the world.

sketchrs said...

Your Season #1 block is coming on very nicely - looks great. The Season #2 scene looks so tranquil.
It is wonderful, Janeen! Thank you for the update and looking forward to the next one.