Friday, 19 January 2018

Week-end Warrior Project #2

Hello to everyone joining in again...

We're making a small project every second week-end that can be finished quickly and also useful....

This week we're in the market for Bookmarks....

My daughter has a whole collection of bookmarks and is an A Grade bookworm...
I don't mind having a cute bookmark too...

So here's the plan...

 I found these online to get a good idea of what
is possible.....ANYTHING at all......
You can make the most amazing bookmarks
with scraps, with any technique.....
Its awesome!

For our Project #2 we are going to try making our own little Apple Bookmark Corner and then a second straight forward one with Wonky Geese. You can make whichever you like.

Here are a few instructions I made for the completing of the Apple Bookmark Corner.....

Here's to hoping that Friday night TV is up to %&* and I can get busy and sew myself a few cute bookmarks....                  I hope you'll join me.

You can get your FREE pattern for the bookmarks here (both are in one PDF) .....<<<<<

 Quick link to my full Craftsy Shop <<<<<

(when you open the shop.... click on the right side 'sort by tab' and press NEWEST.... then everything will show up)


CJ Jolly said...

Gotta make a few of these. "Thank you!" for the patterns.

Janet said...

Thank you! They look like fun and I can use them for gifts!

Shelley E said...

Thanks for sharing. The wonky geese is a great scrap buster and that little apple corner is too cute for words.

Tini said...

These are really cute bookmarks. Thank you so much.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Cute project, and useful! I love the idea!

Susan said...

I especially like the corner book mark. Thanks for the patterns.