Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Fox in the Garden #6

Fox in the Garden time again....
and this time I've finished up the cutest part - the Fox himself.

I somehow forgot to take a photo of the layout of pattern pieces but not to worry, you all understand that part already...

I've finished up with this cute boy and then sewed it to the Part 5 from last week. They're still missing a piece on the bottom so I can't sew it to the house yet.

I did remove all the paper from that first 'house' part already.

And this is where we are at the moment. I've only got the tiny-est part to finish up with the trees and the snow in the foreground and sew it up and there you have it....

I will add the Fox in the Garden #2 pattern to the shop for those who want to carry on with the QaL.

I hope those of you joining me with this slow quilt a long are enjoying it...

Quick link to the Fox pattern #1 is HERE.....<<<<<

Link to Fox pattern #2 is HERE.....<<<

 Quick link to my full Craftsy Shop <<<<<

(when you open the shop.... click on the right side 'sort by tab' and press NEWEST.... then everything will show up)


Lisa England said...

Oh I love the fox!

Joan said...

This is just so great!

Lori said...
