Hi there
I was really busy this morning trying out new ways to make a Wonky Caravans quilt.

I initially had everything showing the same way but then the road area somehow just would not work out so now I've decided to rather have it go in a circle even if the 'bottom' is upside down.
No matter which way you use this quilt, it will have vans that are up and others that are down...
The center part will be filled with other Wonky looking vans that are all over the place.
The whole thing will measure 50x60"
(128x153cm) and will be on the Intermediate level.
Still working out a few of the kinks and will then start the center.
Have a Great Week-End!!
*** If you like what you're seeing and enjoying the patterns - would you please consider supporting me by buying me a coffee.... the link is also on the left side bar near the top....
Thanks so much!
I've started a QA Designs Group on Facebook where you are welcome to join and add any of your finished blocks made with the QADesigns patterns. I really love to see them all.
(when you open the shop.... click on the right side 'sort by tab' and press NEWEST.... then everything will show up)
This is going to be so fun!!
this is adorable. i like that the vans are going the way you have them. you can look at them every which way. Hope you have a safe and wonderful weekend
Enjoy your coffee, I certainly enjoy your patterns!
Janeen, can you design a truck camper. You know, the kind of camper that sits up on the back of a truck. I have a group of friends who camp this way and they have all commented that there is never anything made of these, and I'd love to make them something that has truck campers on them. I was so hopeful when I saw this design.. which I love by the way, as I camp in a boler.. but alas, they are right. No truck camper.
Donna Peters
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