Hello to everyone...
again, Welcome to the
"Twas the Night before Christmas" giveaways
(this is a shortened version of the poem)
it's Day 4 already - the time is flying by - much like the person in the block....

I had to minimize the amount of reindeer, because that would just be too much of a mission to sew.
As usual, I will add this to my shop FREE for the day and by the same time tomorrow I'll change it to a small fee. Each quick link is dedicated to that specific pattern, so you can find the patterns that have passed, but they are no longer free.
I hope you enjoy this one too...
I've started a QA Designs Group on Facebook where you are welcome to join and add any of your finished blocks made with the QADesigns patterns. I really love to see them all.
(when you open the shop.... click on the right side 'sort by tab' and press NEWEST.... then everything will show up)
Thanks Janeen. They are adorable.
I absolutely LOVE the sleigh and Rudolph. Thank you very much for the awesome patterns Janeen.
Thank you so mich for the flying Santa!
Thank you so much for this project!
This series of patterns is just fabulous, thanks so much!
Thank you! I have to get started on these!
Thank you for the awesome Santa & Rudolph!
Love it! Thanks for such fun blocks this year!!
ohhhh my goodness this little reindeer is so adorable. thank you for the pattern. am having a lot of fun.
That little reindeer deserves is own place in the sky! He is just adorable!
This block is so cute! I can hardly wait for tomorrow's. Thanks for making each day special by sharing your creative patterns.
Tusind tak for Julemanden og rensdyret - det er helt ok med et rensdyr - her i Danmark har vi ikke rensdyr, men får hvert år "besøg" af Rudolf med den røde tud.
Hilsen fra Danmark
Thank you very much, another lovely pattern
Thank you for another great pattern!! I am looking forward every day to seeing your email in my inbox!!
I love this one! Thank you so much for sharing!
Thank you for another great pattern. The reindeer is so sweet!
Tack! Thank you, the patterns are adorable!
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