Friday 30 August 2019

QAD Mini Swap

Hello everyone!

Today is the HALF WAY MARK of the QAD Mini Quilt Swap.

I've already had emails where the mini quilt has already reached it's destination and others where they have sent me a photo of their progress. Thank You!!
We still have until the end of September to finish up. Don't flake out on your partner!!

Im still waiting on more than 20 ladies to tell me what's what.....
Its at this point that I'm not really sure if I need to be the 'bad guy' here and name names....
PLEASE let me know what's going on.


I've been so busy with commissions now that the magazine patterns are designed and out to the testers. I've even got a few back and they're WONDERFUL!!

The magazine will be available in October - either in my shop ( as a single or you can get a subscription (4 issues in a year) from


I've also made a new addition to the 'Cactus' family. This is more a succulent called a Lithops or 'living stones'.
The pattern is 10" (26cm) and is on the Intermediate level.
Pattern is in my shop.

Have a lovely week-end!


Please Support/Donate at Ko-Fi  ( Thanks )

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