Monday, 21 May 2018

Art with Fabric Blog Hop

Hi there everyone!

Today is our Art with Fabric blog hop start and we have a whole week of artists showing their work on their different blogs. Please join us as we take you through a journey of fabric and art and how they come together with our theme of :    1 + 1 = 3

The blog hop is hosted by Alida over at Tweety Loves Quilting. A huge big thanks to you Alida, this hop really pushes me each time to try new designs and I enjoy the whole process every time...

How did it all come together?

I looked up the whole concept of 1+1=3 and found the quote of Aristotle that 'the sum of the whole is greater than the sum of the parts' which is related to the idea that the total effectiveness of a group of things each interacting with one another is different or greater than their effectiveness when acting in isolation from one another.

Which brings me to the idea of Bees... Their hive instincts are exactly what our theme is all about.
I love bees! Don't get me wrong - not on me.... just watching them in nature. The little bees that come to the lavender bushes in the garden always fascinate me.

I found an artist Matthew Willey who is founder of "The good of the Hive" initiative. He wants to paint 50 000 bees all around the world. I love his idea of bringing more awareness about bees.


and so...
My art with fabric piece.... which I'm calling Synergy

After the initial design, I wanted to make the background with flowers or something like a garden where they were busy with the flowers.

I tried different fabric ideas in my EQ program to get an idea of what it would look like.

I decided to use this amazing piece of fabric I had tucked away in my draw by Amy Butler called Wind Flower.

After starting with this fabric I decided to use it as the entire background.

I've tacked it to an artists frame and I'm going to be giving it to my daughter for their new house as a 'first' art work.

I've added my pattern for the Bees to my Craftsy shop.

other blogs to visit today are:

Monday, May 21st, 2018


*** If you like what you're seeing and enjoying the patterns - would you please consider supporting me by buying me a coffee.... the link is also on the left side bar near the top....

Thanks so much!


I've started a QA Designs Group  on Facebook where you are welcome to join and add any of your finished blocks made with the QADesigns patterns. I really love to see them all.
 Quick link to my full Craftsy Shop <<<<<

(when you open the shop.... click on the right side 'sort by tab' and press NEWEST.... then everything will show up)


sketchrs said...

WOW! I just love your bees, Janeen. This is awesome.

Dione Gardner-Stephen said...

I love bees too and your interpretation of 1+1=3. Your choice of artist was fascinating, thank you. Did you know yesterday was the first World Bee Day? What great timing you have! :)

Velda at the Freckled Fox Quiltery said...

Beautiful piece. Iโ€™m glad you shared.

CJ Jolly said...

Fabulous! I'll have to make 2!!

Lisa England said...

Wow, this is gorgeous! I'm sure your daughter will smile each time she looks at it.

Janet said...

They are so great! And the background is perfect!

Joan W. said...

Great job!!!!

piecefulwendy said...

Great interpretation and beautiful quilt! I agree that the background is perfect!

quiltedfabricart said...

wow! these are great! you can do all that in EQ? looks like alot of piecing involved. is it paper pieced?

Terry Aske Art Quilts said...


Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Janeen, your art piece is fabulous. Thanks for telling us about Matthew Willey and "The good of the Hive" initiative. That is a great idea and I love the images you shared.

Tu-Na Quilts said...

Your art piece is fabulous! I really like your creativity and your patterns. I've made several and have the farm string one to make this spring/summer.

Tami Von Zalez said...

Really wonderful work. It's the Bee's knees!

Lisa J. said...

This is amazing Janeen. How big is it?

Lisa J. said...

O.k. I know how big it is now. What is an A4 page size?

AlidaP said...

Absolutely amazing interpretation of the theme! The design is just stunning and the fabric you selected just so perfect!! Thanks for being part of this blog hop and for inspiring!!

Marian said...

Love this Janeen, while I still don't get the whole concept, I love the bees and the flowers... Great project.

Heather Pregger said...

Wow! I love it!

BarefootThunder said...

Absolutely AWESOME!!๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š

Raewyn said...

An awesome interpretation of the theme - I love this piece!!