After struggling with the internet connection here all morning, it seems to be playing along nicely at the moment - so I have to really be brief
Today is the last of the "Into the Wild" bird blocks.
It started out wonderful, went into a bit of a rough patch but turned out great.
I enjoyed the small birds. Maybe at some stage we make larger birds too....
The pattern measures 16" (42cm) and is on the Intermediate level
This sweet bird was sewn up for us by Joan Wintersgill of Texas. My life-saver!! Thank you for all your hard work and encouragement thoughout! Love your blocks!!
You can download December's block in my Craftsy Shop.......<
Next year we will be having the animal alphabet...
I've started a QA Designs Group on Facebook where you are welcome to join and add any of your finished blocks made with the QADesigns patterns. I really love to see them all.
(when you open the shop.... click on the right side 'sort by tab' and press NEWEST.... then everything will show up)
Thank you for the last bird in the series. He is as lovely as the others. I shall look forward to the odd animal alphabet next year!
Thank you so much, Janeen, for the beautiful, stunning bird blocks this year! I'm a few behind- but plan to catch up soon. Can't wait to see this quilt put together!! Thank you again and have a beautiful end of year 💕
Thank you for this beautiful bird series. Wishing you all the best this holiday season. I am looking forward to your 2019 series-it sounds fun!
Thanks so much for all the beautiful birds!
Grazie per tutto quello che fai per noi......sempre tutto bellissimo.
Thank you for this wonderful block, I love your birds. And your patterns ;)
Merci pour cette série de beaux oiseaux.
J'ai hâte de voir ceux de l'année prochaine.
Bonne fête de fin d'année.
Thank you so much for all your insightful posts!
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