Thanks to all those who have stuck to the blocks with the 'new' birds and the changed look... I read a few comments just the other day about the 'new' blocks and how dissatisfied this person was with the new ones and that they were not going to make any of these new ones....Oh well, I guess you just can't please people - even with free blocks....

For June I've made a Cardinal. We don't get them here in SA but I still love them anyway.
The pattern measures 16" (42cm) and is on the Intermediate level.
This block was sewn up for us by Julie Mirdoch of Canada.
Its absolutely gorgeous! Thanks so very much.

Here's a look at our lineup for the first 6 blocks.
You can download your June BOM in my Craftsy shop.....<<<<<
I hope you enjoy sewing this one up
Have a great week-end!
*** If you like what you're seeing and enjoying the patterns - would you please consider supporting me by buying me a coffee.... the link is on the left side bar near the top....
Thanks so much!
I've started a QA Designs Group on Facebook where you are welcome to join and add any of your finished blocks made with the QADesigns patterns. I really love to see them all.
(when you open the shop.... click on the right side 'sort by tab' and press NEWEST.... then everything will show up)
Janeen, Your cardinal block is awesome! Thank you very much for sharing your bird patterns with us.
Don't you worry none about people that are dissatisfied. Most likely nothing would make certain people happy.
I love your 'new' birds.
There is no pleasing everyone. Some people grumble about everything. I think your new blocks are very beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
Janeen, I ADORE your patterns...ALL OF THEM! I only wish I had more time,lol. This cardinal is no exception- pure beauty💞. Thank you so much!! I want to buy you a cup of coffee but I can't find the button anywhere. (Does it matter that I am on a smartphone?) I will look again and if I cannot find it I will just purchase one of your patterns from the first 3 you put out after all that fussing someone did about your C.H. inspired blocks. Your trio of Nuthatches is speaking to my heart...
The cardinal block is beautiful! Although I haven't had time to sew them, I think the new block series looks wonderful. Thanks for sharing such lovely patterns.
Especially the cardinal pattern is gorgeous. Don't worry too much about not pleasing everyone; I have the impression that some people seem to be happy only if they complain.
Thank you so, so much for all your hard work and the great patterns. I wish I had more time to do more paper piecing.
Your new blocks are marvelous! I live in Ohio, USA, and the cardinal is our state bird. I love to watch them in my yarn, and I can't wait to sew one up. Thank you so much for sharing with us.
I love your blocks Janeen - and fully intended sewing along with you - I just keep running out of time! Thank you so much for sharing them!
Love, love love the bird blocks! Boo on someone elses negativity!!! This morning I just printed out my saved copy of last years August bee bitty block with a project in mind, I thank you again for your generosity!
oh this is lovely. thank you so much. i love cardinals. we have them in our back yard all the time. it is interesting, we get a male and female together and the female always waits until the male has eaten before she eats.
I think your blocks are beautiful! I'm going to make the cardinal for my aunt. She loves them.
I for one am very pleased with all your blocks and think you are very generous sharing some every month. BTW love the cardinal.
Thank you once again, Janeen for your generosity and another fabulous pattern.
I live in Canada and we are lucky enough to have a pair of cardinals who feed at our feeders all year long. The red against the white snow is always stunning.
Your cardinal is awesome. I am still at a beginner level, but I like trying to see how far I can get with higher level patterns. If people don't like your birds they can go somewhere else and try to find a pattern they do like. (Good luck with that!) Thank you so much for providing these to us for free.
Many thanks for these beautiful birds. I'm still working on the Passacaglia, but in winter I'll sew all the beautiful birds.
Greetings from Germany
Thank you for this great bird. All of your blocks are wonderful. Cheers.
Thank you, again, for your wonderful patterns! I am working on another paper pieced quilt right now, but I am saving the patterns every month, and I am looking forward to being able to do this one! Don’t listen to the nay-sayers. You do fantastic work!
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