Hi there friends...
Its already July and we have a new 'Into the Wild' block of the month.
This month we are doing 2 small Sunbirds.

I have these two birds in my garden. When I first saw the bird I was so surprised because its super tiny. I thought it was a large moth, but then I saw the colours on the male bird. Its sooooo shiny. It even brought me to tears. They're so beautiful.
Everyday I go out there and try to see them but its getting really cold here now, so Im not sure if they're going to find somewhere warmer to fly off to.
They aren't humming birds but they are just as small and hover about with tiny flapping wings in much the same way. Their beaks are curved and long.
This block was tested for my by Joan Wintersgill of Texas. Isn't it gorgeous!
and this block was tested for me by Sylvia Jochem. Another beautiful block. I love them both so very much.
You can find the new July block in my Craftsy shop.....<<<<<
This past week-end we had to go and finalize the table settings and flowers at the venue we have booked for my daughter's wedding. Its going to be the end of September. Now it's all just downhill to the big day....
I hope you all have a great week!
Hold thumbs that my sewing machine gets back from the shop this week.... starting to feel jumpy...
I've started a QA Designs Group on Facebook where you are welcome to join and add any of your finished blocks made with the QADesigns patterns. I really love to see them all.
(when you open the shop.... click on the right side 'sort by tab' and press NEWEST.... then everything will show up)
Wow! I've not seen sun birds before! They do have long beaks. Thank you for the block!
I've never seen sunbirds either- off to Google them! But thank you so much for another pattern I can't wait to start!!
What a beautiful bird species to use for inspiration. I will use red fabric for the Lovely Sunbird breed.
These are lovely. Your garden must be lovely as well to attract such pretty birds
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